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Who is KDCSU?

We are the K-Pop Dance Club at Colorado State University!

We are an official club at CSU that specializes in Korean dance since 2019. While we hold club meetings to play games and learn more about Korean culture, but we are mainly known for covering popular K-Pop songs. We provide a welcoming environment where dancers of all levels can have a space to be themselves and make new friends. We do not require auditions, and we do not discriminate based on race, sexuality, economic status, or identity. Additionally, we do not require members to pay any fees to be a part of our club.

Club Meetings

Discover more about Korean culture.

Every other week at the CSU Lory Student Center, KDCSU host regular club meetings. Each meeting will have a different theme that centers around K-Pop and Korean Culture. Topics have included K-Pop history night, how to study abroad in Korea, Korean variety show games, and much more.


As the hub for Korean culture here in Fort Collins, KDCSU values teaching our members about more than just K-Pop dance. We want to be able to showcase all of the other wonderful aspects of Korean culture here at CSU.



Learn your favorite K-Pop chorus!

On weeks that we don't have our regular club meetings, KDCSU officers will host a workshop! These are unlike our dance covers and performances, as attendance is not mandatory and we learn different songs each week.


Members can expect to meet at the CSU Lory Student Center and learn a popular K-Pop chorus for an hour or so. There is no dance experience required and all levels are welcome.

Dance Covers

Train and record a full K-Pop dance!

Want to commit to more than just a workshop? Then joining a dance cover group is perfect! Each month there will be full K-Pop dances selected by the team to learn and record. Every KDCSU member is welcome to join, and there is no dance experience required.


Given that this is a bigger commitment, we ask that members that sign-up follow the KDCSU attendance policy and are comfortable with being filmed, sometimes in public.


Show off your skills in front of a crowd!

KDCSU also offers the chance to perform at popular Colorado showcases and competitions. If you would like to dance in front of a larger audience and meet fellow K-Pop teams, this is the best way to do so!


One of the most popular showcases in Colorado is TurnItUp, hosted by KonnectPop. KDCSU has performed twice at this event, and all members are encouraged to join!

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